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Saturday, May 27, 2023

Day 04: Barcelona to Molins de Rei

Day 04: From Barcelona to Molins de Rei

DateMay 26 ( Friday )

Today's Distance: 14 miles / 22 km
Barcelona to Molins de Rei StatsRoute Video
Total This Camino: 14 miles.
Total 2023 Caminos: 14 miles
Total All Caminos: 1749 miles
Lodging: $ 80 @ Hotel Calasanz
Total Lodging: $ 320
Planes: $ 1350
Total Planes: $ 1350
Buses / Trains / Taxis:
Total Buses / Trains / Taxis: $ 0 / 30 / 17 = 47
Food: $ 35
Total Food: $ 140

Meaningful Moment

Being back on the Camino de Santiago.

Getting to use my Spanish again.

Random Thought of the Day

Glad that I had been training with 5 Mile hikes with the backpack, with yoga, with pickleball and a few other routines. Paid off today with a 14-mile hike with few issues.

Enjoying watching Deb interact with the Spanish people /  Catalan people.

On the Road / Notable memories

Stopping with Deb at a neighborhood restaurant on the way out of Barcelona, sitting on a street mall with a good lunch.

Finally exiting the industrialized area of Barcelona for the Rio Llobrego riverside.

Deb and I starting the Camí de Sant Jaumé

Sagrada familia cathedral. Interesting story. The original cathedral is exceedingly plain and appearance. Much of the exterior was done to compete with The French Gothic cathedrals.

Like many European cities, the streets of Barcelona are pedestrian friendly and inviting to walk along.

Plaça d'Espanya

Rest stop

Leaving the beautiful parts of Barcelona behind for the more urbanized and commercial and industrial zones.

Stopping for lunch. About 7 mi into the 14 Mile walk of today.

The second half of today's walk took us along the banks of the Rio Llobrego.

Friday, May 26, 2023

Day 03: Barcelona

Day 03:  Barcelona

DateMay 25 ( Thursday )

Total This Camino: 0 miles.
Total 2023 Caminos: 0 miles
Total All Caminos: 1735 miles
Lodging: Hostal Levante @ $ 80
Total Lodging: $ 240
Planes: $ 1350
Total Planes: $ 1350
Buses / Trains / Taxis:
Total Buses / Trains / Taxis: $ 0 / 30 / 17 = 47
Food: $ 40
Total Food: $ 105

Meaningful Moment

Deb and I took another day of downtime due to the rain. I certainly had not planned to spend any time in Barcelona, but I am glad we did. We've had great meals, a great tour and a chance to relax at the Barcelona aquarium. Not to mention the hours and miles spent walking around The Gothic quarter.

Random Thought of the Day

Although I'm in Barcelona, there's something about a Starbucks that it is my go-to spot for two mornings in a row. I think just for the ease of convenience, that it is going to be my go-to spot tomorrow morning just before we begin hiking.

There'll be plenty of stops in smaller towns for coffee con leche and pan tostado at the bars.

Notable memories

Barcelona will rank here, mostly because I really wasn't expecting much, but I'm very pleasantly surprised.

Tonight we stopped in a local empanada / tapa bar and had a really good meal. The people behind the counter were amazingly friendly, spoke to us in Spanish instead of reverting to English, and were laughing and joking with us.

Ended the night in an ice cream shop with a two scooper for me and a one scoop for Deb.

Placa Sant Jaume in the rain

Barcelona's Santa Catarina public market

At the Barcelona aquarium

We are in a tunnel and the sharks are around us

Thursday, May 25, 2023

Day 02: Barcelona

Day 02: Barcelona

DateMay 24 ( Wednesday )

Total This Camino: 0 miles.
Total 2023 Caminos: 0 miles
Total All Caminos: 1735 miles
Lodging: Hostal Levante @ $ 80
Total Lodging: $ 160
Planes: $ 1350
Total Planes: $ 1350
Buses / Trains / Taxis:
Total Buses / Trains / Taxis: $ 0 / 30 / 17 = 47
Food: $ 50
Total Food: $ 65

Meaningful Moment

Deb and I had a serious discussion about our plans this morning. After talking over various options, we decided that we would change up our second half plans significantly.

We are going to stay in the Catalunya and Aragon regions instead of going over to the West Coast of Spain for the second half of our hike

What brought about this radical revision and plans?

Tomorrow is expected to be a 90% rain day. As our first day of hiking, this simply was not appealing to us. 

Coincidentally we had just finished a very interesting tour of Gothic Barcelona. You can see in some of the pictures below that we saw columns dating from before Christ, and history through the Spanish civil war. We had not realized how much this area has developed and changed.

Therefore over a fantastic meal of paella down near the port area, we decided to drop the hiking in Galicia.

So instead, after we complete our plan to hike from Barcelona to Zaragoza, we will stay here, possibly heading towards Navarra and the Basque area.

Random Thought of the Day

Starting the day at Starbucks at plaza Sant Jaume.
Deb and I are doing a two and a half hour walking tour of Barcelona this morning, and what a coincidence! The tour starts here at Starbucks.

On the Road / Notable memories

Gurutour: we had an amazing tour guide on our free walking tour of Barcelona. His name was Luca.

In addition to the standard information on all the historical buildings in the Gothic area, he infused the tour with the feelings and pride and emotion of being a Catalan.

There is a tremendously strong independence movement in this autonomous community of Spain.

 Our guide explained to us throughout the course of the two and a half hour tour where that sense of independence and desire for freedom from the national government of Spain comes from.

Prior to being marriage of Ferdinand of Castillo and Isabel of Aragon, Barcelona was a trading and commercial power center of the Mediterranean. With their marriage, the two countries joined one and became Spain.

During the Spanish civil war, Barcelona was on the side of the Republicans. When the city finally fell to the forces of Francisco Franco, he exacted his revenge by banning the Catalan language and any aspects of Catalan culture. Only 40 years later with the death of Franco, where the catalans able to begin their path towards freedom again.

It took me a while to warm up to his presentation but by the end, I was very attentive.

Following the tour, we went to a restaurant called Can Ramonet. Luca recommended it as some of the best paella in Barcelona. I have learned that Deb loves paella so it was a must-go-to stop. It was worth the effort. The street ambience was pleasant; the weather was great; the food was delicious.

Deb and I returned tonight to the new Gothic quarter for dinner at the Bar de Pla. Another recommendation from our tour guide Luca. The restaurant was packed as the Barcelona nightlife was kicking off. And again the food was great.

 Quite good food so far in Barcelona. I'm a eat to live guy, so Deb is showing me fine dining.

Roman columns from the first century BC from the time of emperor Augustus Caesar

Jewish quarter of Barcelona. Thriving district until one of the waves of the Black plague. Lacking scientific understanding, the Christians drove the Jews out, thinking it was a plague, related to the Jewish residents.

Ironically, the plague affected the Jewish people less because they had much more hygienic habits, such as burying their dead outside of the city, and washing of the hands, among other examples.

Artistic work representing Cataluña's most popular sport, the human tower.

Boulevard along the waterfront

The damage to the building was caused during the Spanish civil war when the Italian fascists bombed Barcelona.

Eglesia Sant Jaume, where we got the first stamp in our pilgrim credentials

Christopher Columbus had ties to Barcelona. There is a massive statue to him overlooking the port of Barcelona.

Eglesia Sant Jaume: Deb and I went here to get our first stamp in our pilgrim credentials 

Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Day 01: From Newark international Liberty airport to Barcelona

Day 01: From Newark international Liberty airport to Barcelona

DateMay 23 ( Tuesday )

Total This Camino: 0 miles.
Total 2023 Caminos: 0 miles
Total All Caminos: 1735 miles
Lodging: Hostal Levante @ $ 80
Total Lodging: $ 80
Planes: $ 1350
Total Planes: $ 1350
Buses / Trains / Taxis: $ 30 / 17
Total Buses / Trains / Taxis: $ 30 / 17 = 47
Food: $ 15
Total Food: $ 15

Meaningful Moment

Although the only thing that we have done is check-in, shower and lay down, being here with Deb makes being in Barcelona fun.

Our room window is open and the sounds of a European city indicate the is life down on them streets.

Random Thought of the Day

As we were walking around town, we passed some Barcelona firefighters who were out playing volleyball in their fire station courtyard.

Spanish cities have so much more character and culture than American cities. Families walking around. People hanging out. Hundreds and hundreds of street cafes pack of people.

On the Road 

10:00 a.m. Arrive Madrid Barajas airport.
11:00 a.m. Clear immigration. Welcome to Spain.
11:30 Taxi ride to Atocha train station.
12:25 p.m. Headed to Barcelona on the high speed train.
3:15 p.m. Arrive Barcelona.
4:00 p.m. Arrive Hostal Levante.

On the high speed train to Barcelona. 295 km/h m is just under 180 mi/h.

Relaxing walk around Barcelona's Gothic Quarter

Day 00: Rochester to Newark International Airport

Day 00: From Rochester NY to Newark International Airport NJ

DateMay 22 (Monday)

Total This Camino: 0 miles.
Total 2023 Caminos: 0 miles
Total All Caminos: 1735 miles

Planes: $ 1350
Total Planes: $ 1350
 Uber / Gas: $ 22 / 30
Total Transport: $ 52
Food: $ 10
Total Food: $ 10

Meaningful Moment

Deb and I were sitting at the gate at the airport talking about our travel plans for when we land in Madrid and how to get to Barcelona. 

So after figuring out our options, I was wondering how to confirm what we had talked about .
So I said to Deb in a real loud voice " I wish there were somebody here from Madrid. "

Now what's important to understand is that we're surrounded by people flying to Madrid at the moment.

The young lady sitting next to Deb smiles and says " I'm from Madrid. " 

So she helped us out by giving us some generic info about Madrid and assured us that the plans that we had discussed, should work out fine once we land.

Random Thought of the Day

Nobody in the airport is wearing a mask except for Deb and I and perhaps one out of every 3,000 people.

On the Road / Notable memories

7:30 a.m. leave Rochester. 
1:30 p.m. arrive Springfield New Jersey at Selma's home.
4:15 p.m. arrive Newark international airport.
4:30 p.m. queue up for TSA .
4:50 p.m. through TSA and headed towards the gate for a 6:45 boarding and 7:35 departure to Madrid, Spain.
9:15 p.m. Finally in the air after an almost 2-hour delay.

Newark international Liberty airport TSA screening. Actually it moved reasonably fast. Can't say it was a pleasant experience, but it wasn't bad.
Manhattan in the background

Sunday, May 21, 2023

One Day Left

One Day Left

Mendon ponds training hike map
Mendon Ponds training hike video
Total This Camino:0 miles.
Total 2023 Caminos:0 miles
Total All Caminos:1735 miles

Planes:$ 1350
Total Planes:$ 1350

Meaningful Moment

The realization that tomorrow is Day 0 of my first ?of three? camino(s) of 2023.
Just completed checking in for United Airlines UA51 from Newark NJ to Madrid Sp, departing at 7:35 pm, arriving 9:00 am on Tuesday.

Random Thought of the Day

Some things that let me "step it down notch" while completing final preps.
  • Super great dinner of salmon and vegetables with chocolate desserts
  • Evening pickleball LOL with players better than me
  • Rochester Amerks hockey playoffs wherein they sweep the Toronto Marlies 3 - 0 for the Eastern Conference - North Division of the American Hockey League with my son and grandson
  • Deb and I taking Mom for Chinese
  • Saturday morning hike in the rain
  • Visiting Mom and my sister
  • Spending time with Adriana and Jayden (grandkids)
  • Downtown with Gimli for morning falcon / bird watches


Notable memories

Court St Dam for an early morning bird watching session
Genesee Valley Audobon Society

Leading a Sunday morning six mile hike 
around the South Wedge Neighborhood for the 
Genesee Valley Hiking Club - and good practice for Spain

Starbucks Mango Pink Drink on a hot afternoon

Rainy Saturday morning training hike

Quaker pond is always beautiful