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Saturday, May 27, 2023

Day 04: Barcelona to Molins de Rei

Day 04: From Barcelona to Molins de Rei

DateMay 26 ( Friday )

Today's Distance: 14 miles / 22 km
Barcelona to Molins de Rei StatsRoute Video
Total This Camino: 14 miles.
Total 2023 Caminos: 14 miles
Total All Caminos: 1749 miles
Lodging: $ 80 @ Hotel Calasanz
Total Lodging: $ 320
Planes: $ 1350
Total Planes: $ 1350
Buses / Trains / Taxis:
Total Buses / Trains / Taxis: $ 0 / 30 / 17 = 47
Food: $ 35
Total Food: $ 140

Meaningful Moment

Being back on the Camino de Santiago.

Getting to use my Spanish again.

Random Thought of the Day

Glad that I had been training with 5 Mile hikes with the backpack, with yoga, with pickleball and a few other routines. Paid off today with a 14-mile hike with few issues.

Enjoying watching Deb interact with the Spanish people /  Catalan people.

On the Road / Notable memories

Stopping with Deb at a neighborhood restaurant on the way out of Barcelona, sitting on a street mall with a good lunch.

Finally exiting the industrialized area of Barcelona for the Rio Llobrego riverside.

Deb and I starting the Camí de Sant Jaumé

Sagrada familia cathedral. Interesting story. The original cathedral is exceedingly plain and appearance. Much of the exterior was done to compete with The French Gothic cathedrals.

Like many European cities, the streets of Barcelona are pedestrian friendly and inviting to walk along.

Plaça d'Espanya

Rest stop

Leaving the beautiful parts of Barcelona behind for the more urbanized and commercial and industrial zones.

Stopping for lunch. About 7 mi into the 14 Mile walk of today.

The second half of today's walk took us along the banks of the Rio Llobrego.

1 comment:

  1. Love all your photos, but especially the last one. Buen camino!
