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Wednesday, June 7, 2023

Day 15: Fraga to Candaznos

Day 15: Fraga to Candaznos

DateJun 6th ( Tuesday )

Today's Distance:  17 miles / 27 km
Fraga to Candaznos StatsRoute Video
Total This Camino: 155 miles
Total 2023 Caminos: 155 miles 
Total All Caminos: 1890 miles 
Lodging: $  60 @ Hotel Casanova
Total Lodging: $ 773
Planes: $ 1350
Total Planes: $ 1350
Buses / Trains / Taxis: $ 30 Candaznos to Fraga
Total Buses / Trains / Taxis: $ 0 / 30 / 62 = 92
Food: $ 20
Total Food: $ 330

Meaningful Moment

A beautiful morning in Spain with a 1000 ft climb out of the Río Cinca valley with Deb.

Random Thought of the Day

I suspect the now abandoned farm houses lying in the middle of working fields is just because it's so convenient to live in town nowadays.

On the Road / Notable memories

6:00 a.m. Wake up.
6:30 a.m. Early start
Temperature outside 61°. Weather forecast for the day: lots and lots and lots of sun with the temperature climbing to 85 by around 1:00 p.m. Rains predicted starting around 4:00 p.m.


Two stops at repsol gas stations for rest breaks. There were no support services along the entirety of today's hike.

 Lunch under a tree, enjoying the shade.

The climb out of the River valley was about 4 mi. The remaining 13 miles were through arid farm fields. 

The fields were incredibly rocky, such that it was hard to imagine crops growing there. But they were working fields.
Irrigation is completely and absolutely essential to making farming a success in this area. 

Saw some fields that did not appear to have irrigation, and I can't imagine what could be grown there. The land is not dirt but more like sand and rocks and clay.

The Río Cinca has carved out an immense valley, not unlike the Colorado River and the Grand canyon. 
Not comparing scales because the Río Cinca is much smaller, but just trying to get the idea across that as we climbed out of the valley, we reached an immense plains system.

Beginning our ascent out of the Río Cinca valley

Going up

Out of the valley and back onto the plains

Typical of the path all the way up

Arid farm land with abandoned house. 
The land is tended so it must be in between planting and harvesting.

Rocky farms fields. What could possibly grow here?

One of our gas station rest stops today.

Church in Candaznos. We are waiting our taxi.

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