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Monday, June 5, 2023

Day 12: Palau d'Anglesola to Lleide

Day 12: Palau d'Anglesola to Lleide

DateJun 3rd ( Saturday )

Today's Distance: 18 miles /  28  km
Palau d'Anglesola to Lleide StatsRoute Video
Total This Camino: 116 miles
Total 2023 Caminos: 116 miles 
Total All Caminos: 1851 miles 
Lodging: $ 107  @ Hotel AA
Total Lodging: $ 663
Planes: $ 1350
Total Planes: $ 1350
Buses / Trains / Taxis:
Total Buses / Trains / Taxis: $ 0 / 30 / 32 = 47
Food: $ 35
Total Food: $ 320

Meaningful Moment

On checking into the hotel, which we booked at the last minute because of  our change of plans mentioned below, the hotel clerk gave us an upgrade to a business class room. 
He said it's because we looked so tired lol and needed to rest. 
Whatever the reason was, it was greatly appreciated

Random Thought of the Day

Met some really nice bartenders today:
Bell-loc d'Urgell: place looked like a hole in the wall but he was so full of smiles and he knew about the Camino.
Acoletge: full of info and very friendly, even though we looked awfully bedraggled at this point.

Both Deb and I are very tired tonight.

On the Road / Notable memories

Lots and lots of farm fields of crops of grain, fruit trees and some other things. Periods of industrial zones. Most walking was on dirt farm roads,  which is much better than pavement.

Our original plan was to stop about 5 mi short in the small town of Alcoletge. 
We had been phoning the albergue there, but no one was answering the phone. Usually that just means it's not possible to get in touch with someone, but if you show up at the albergue door, there'll be instructions to reach the contact person.
That did not turn out to be the case today, so we had to implement our fallback plan which was to press another 5 mi ahead to the city of Lleide.
It turned a 13 mi hike into a 18 mi hike.

Nice walk around Lleida with Deb tonight. Made it down to the river Segro.

Had a really great dinner, drink and dessert in the hotel.

Another beautiful day of roadside flowers

Another late afternoon storm that we are trying to beat to the hotel

Rio Segro in Lleide. Thunder threatening us by this point.

Taking refuge in a coffee shop


Rio Segro

Bass with vegetables and wild prawns on a sea salt bed

Entrance to the Hotel AA Lleide

Crane nest found on early morning walk around Lleide

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