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Saturday, May 13, 2023

2 Weeks and Counting

2 Weeks and Counting

Total This Camino:0 miles.
Total 2023 Caminos:0 miles
Total All Caminos:1735 miles

Planes:$ 1350
Total Planes:$ 1350

Meaningful Moment

It's coming up on 4 years since I retired from my professional career as a software engineer.

Been taking Gimli, the 85 lb chocolate lab, downtown for some bird watching on those mornings when I'm not rushing off to the YMCA for pickleball.

It's an important addition to my life because it makes me smile when I hear him rushing down the stairs as he hears me messing around in the cabinet where his food is. He likes his morning ride, and I like taking him.

It's important for me to get out of bed and get the day started.

In an amazing coincidence, in the last 2 weeks I've come across Katie, my German study partner from several years ago while being out and about on the streets of Rochester. 

I'm not a believer in coincidence, but it seems to me like we should get our study group back together; we used to hang out at Equal Grounds coffee shop when practicing German.

Anyway with 4 years of retirement under my belt, I'm feeling an absence of purpose. Certainly covid aggravated the situation for me, as it has for tens of millions of Americans, and hundreds of millions of people if not more around the world.

Taking a job is out of the question. 

Absolutely enjoyed my 22 years in the military and my 20 or so years as a software engineer. Wouldn't change a thing. 

But I need something where I give back in an immediate way. I don't know how selfish that sounds when I say I need to volunteer in order for me to feel good.

But that makes it sound black and white, when like just about everything in life is shades of gray filled with nuance covered with possibilities and served with a mix of opportunity and chance.

Notable memories

It's been going on 16 months and I still miss my Zeke.

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